Sunday, April 01, 2007

Not again.....

Hey all,

Looks like I'm back. Well, for tonight, at any rate. I know things got dull in the Wasteland, so I thought it was about time for a change of scenery. Welcome to the land of Pi in the Sky, where all your dreams will come true, as long as they're mathematically-ordered. Seriously, what do y'all think about the name? Kinda makes you wonder if I'm on a trip of some type, eh? Like in the sky? Hmmm.....I'd appreciate it if those of you who actually choose to post would sign your first post with some alias, anagram or syzogy (Alex once told me what that word means, and I'm sure it has astronomical implication) that I may guess your identity. Every one has all these wierd screen names and it becomes confusing. Warn-I mean "tell"-your friends about this place. I can't guarantee much, but if you stick around, you just might get a peace. More metaphysicality......

I'd hate to scare any one who doesn't know my writing tendencies or sense of humour. I do intend to make this blog accessible to those who don't snort horse, smoke tree or drop acid. I have a digital camera at my disposal and if ever I learn to upload photos I shall add some. There's much to see. Me, my car and my tennis rackets, for instance. I don't have any friends during school time, but maybe I can show you some of them come Summer. Seriously, folks, post and let me know how things are. It can be short, just bust a quick comment. Hope to hear from y'all, thanks for being alive and God bless.


At 9:21 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Heeey - - it's another blog from my old Ptolemy study-buddy! Is this one going to live? ;) I mean, because the last two blogs kinda petered out and kicked over.

So glad to hear something from you, man. :) Miss your good-natured company, as always.

-The Person Whose Screen Name Is A Dead Give Away


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